Life at (nearly) 30

Afina Kamila
2 min readNov 15, 2020

I’m nearly 30 years and have been being a Mom. I’ve got many lessons in my previous 28 years. Here we go.

I had a dream of becoming a Ph.D. housewife who will work for no one but my family. And now I end up here, an average housewife with no master’s degree. First of all, let me review it. I thought getting the highest degree in academics is the main goal of education and now I think it’s wrong. Secondly, if you are a Ph.D. then do nothing with your knowledge, just being a housewife instead of applying all the knowledge you’ve got, you will be a selfish person since not everyone could get the same privilege. You have to pay it forward.

Academic and education are not the same. The point is how to absorb knowledge. You can do it either in academic institutions, courses, or even in daily life. Nowadays a lot of knowledge is free you could get them online. Do not get me wrong, I do not discourage any academic degree, it matters for certain people in their career. Whatever you choose, the most important is what have we done after getting the knowledge. However, I still have the dream of becoming a Ph.D. Mom who serves my society.

I wish I knew about Bloom’s Taxonomy sooner. It describes the hierarchy of learning in six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. It will help us to understand and transfer knowledge into action. What I had in school mostly only reach the first level: Knowledge which refers to recognize or memorize facts, terms, basic concepts to answer the question without understanding. I did until I graduated from University. Now I’m still escalating my learning skill. Not only for academic purposes but also for understanding other life lessons.

Being a Mom taught me a thousand things like being patient, caring for someone, how to educate at a very young age. It makes me realize that there are more important skills that we have to learn other than remembering “the answer”. I hope I could teach my children better.

